Ready to volunteer?

Here’s How To Get Started.

One of the best starting points for getting involved is at parent–teacher conference or open house. These are usually scheduled early in each school year. They’re a great opportunity to talk to your child’s teachers or the principal about volunteer involvement.

If you have something to offer or just want to help out in whatever way you can, talk about it with teachers. They might arrange something with you personally or direct you to a department head or administrator who can answer your questions and make suggestions. It’s also a good idea to join the PTO.

Click the Get Started button below to be taken to the Volunteer form. Complete the form and someone will be in touch with you regarding our current opportunities.

Get Started




  • Act as a classroom helper
  • Help organize fundraising events
  • Help cater fundraising events
  • Help fund fundraising events

Ways Volunteers Can Help


  • Assist with a specific club
  • Mentor or tutor students
  • Supervise experiments at Science Fair
  • Volunteer to speak on career day




  • Help to plan or chaperone field trips
  • Offer to help with story time
  • Work as a library assistant
  • Provide secretary support for the office